What to expect from the project if you participate?

Words to be in the interactive picture: respect, motivation, peace, socialization, inspiration, learning (arts, languages, common work), empowering youth, opportunity, meeting new (people, cultures), diversity, future, community feel, traveling, tolerance, solidarity, new ideas, networking, development, experience, possibilities, challenge, leadership.

We understand that the world of today can be sometimes confusing and stressful. Young people have a lot on their hands to start off: What would be the right career path for me? Is it what I really want? What will it be like to try the theories I learned at school in practice? Would I like it? What is it like to work abroad? Are my language skills sufficient? Am I adaptable?

There are just so many questions one can ask – and the possibilities are immense. We would like to offer these people an opportunity to try what it is like to work in the real work environment for a long duration of time so they can sort out their priorities, to master their time management, to take full responsibility for themselves, and much more.

The mobility project is not only about work, but it is also about fun. Our region is very rich in terms of the range of activities and everyone can find himself a suitable activity. The participating students also come into contact with Czech culture, mentality and language and it is up to them to which level they decide to absorb it.

We believe that all of the above mentioned aspects are possible plus we provide 24/7 assistance and support, because we are enthusiastic about what we do and we have rich experience in the field of mobility projects.

Does this sound good to you? Click here and contact us!